Our Vision

We believe God has a passion for people, and this passion moved him to set in motion a plan to redeem and reconcile His estranged children to Himself. Jesus entered the world to seek and save those who were lost, and today, God continues to call and send us through Jesus’ words in John 20:21: “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

We believe if we actually carry out our mission as a church we will see God do some pretty amazing things through the power of His Spirit working in us as we share the Good News of the Kingdom of God with others. The result of this movement of God’s Holy Spirit through the local church leads us to our vision …  

We see a movement of God resulting in disciples of Jesus who multiply

and make other disciples, groups and churches. 

In our context, we define a disciple as an adopted child of God follows the words and ways of Jesus. Simply put, following the words and ways of Jesus means: 

    • Surrendering to Jesus
    • Listening to Jesus and watching how He is working
    • Joining Jesus on mission

In the next 10-15 years, we see many new disciples of Jesus who have been impacted by our church and are making other disciples as they live, love and lead like Jesus.