Group Life

This is the place to find more information about groups and group involvement here at Five Rivers Church ...

We believe that life-change happens best in closely-connected relationships, so we have chosen a relationship-based model of ministry for our local church. This simply means that our "ministries" or "programs" are designed to provide environments in which relationships can develop and flourish, and we hope these relationships lead people to take their next step toward Jesus.

Small groups

Small groups are an important part of life here at Five Rivers Church. In this environment, groups of eight to fifteen people spend time doing life together as they discover what it means to live, love and lead like Jesus. Small groups at Five Rivers meet at least twice a month, and they come together to eat, pray, study the Bible and have fun while strengthening their relationships with each other and with God. 

If you are anything like us, you are an imperfect person struggling to understand what it really means to be loved by God and to love him, and you wrestle with what it looks like to truly follow Jesus and live, love and lead like he did. So, we invite you to join us in the journey of finding and taking our next step closer to Jesus.

If you are interested in learning more about small groups or possibly joining a small group, click the button below to see a list of our active groups.

View Small Groups

chat groups

Chat groups are the smallest, most intimate groups at Five Rivers Group. In a chat group, 3-4 men or women meet consistently for a determined period of time for the purpose of building, deeper, more intimate relationships in which personal growth and life-change can thrive. 

We suggest these groups meet weekly for 6-9 months as they learn more about themselves, each other and what God is doing in their lives as they grow in their understanding of living, loving and leading like Jesus. 

Tracy Wright is our Group Life coordinator. If you would more information about joining or starting a chat group, let Tracy know here and he will contact you.