five rivers fire

Five Rivers Fire desires to equip youth 6th to 12th grade to have a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. We want each of our students to develop a well-founded, scripturally-based understanding of who they are, why they are here, and how they can LIVE, LOVE and LEAD like Jesus. 

“Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.” I Timothy 4:12 NASB

Weekly Gathering | Sundays 6 – 8PM

This is our typical “youth group” night. We build friendships, laugh, and find out what following Jesus is really all about. Each week includes time to connect with friends, get into God’s word, and have great discussions. We also throw in the  occasional game night to invite more friends to hang out, eat and have some fun!

While our normal meetings times are on Sundays, we also get together often to serve our Five Rivers Church family and our surrounding community. For high school youth, there are opportunities available on Sunday mornings during the service. We also look for opportunities throughout the year to engage with our community - to be the hands and feet of Jesus - from serving in downtown Dayton to packing blessing bags to helping with yard work for those who are in need.

Jr High and High School

Because we recognize and understand the big difference that six years can make in the life of a teen, we structure our youth ministry to meet the unique needs of Jr High and High School students. When we meet on Sunday nights, we come together in the beginning as one group, but for the discussion and application times, we separate the group to create environments specifically designed to engage our students where they are. 

Fire JR High is specifically designed for students grades 6-8. Our Jr High leaders understand the unique needs of these students, and they tailor questions, discussions and application accordingly. 

Fire High School is specifically designed for students grades 9-12. Our High School leaders understand the unique needs of these students, and they tailor questions, discussions and application accordingly. 

While most fun activities are combined with both groups, we occasionally schedule events and activities that are designed for and open to only one age group or the other.  

Have questions?

If you have questions about Five Rivers Fire Youth, please reach out let us know. Just click on the button below, complete the short form, and we will get in touch as soon as we can!

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