What is the meaning and significance of baptism?
Baptism symbolizes Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
Our entrance under the water identifies us with the death of Jesus. Our moment “buried” under the water identifies us us with the burial of Jesus. Our exit out of the water identifies us with Christ’s resurrection from the dead.
See Colossians 2:12-14
Baptism symbolizes our new life in Christ
In baptism, we symbolically bury the “old life” or “old self” and we rise up out of the water as a “new life” or “new self”. However, baptism does not “save” or “perfect” us. Rather, it symbolizes our decision to commit ourselves to the new life we have in partnership with God through Jesus.
The symbolic commitment of baptism is something we follow through on and live out on a daily basis in life.
See 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Romans 6:4
Baptism is a public expression that we belong to Jesus.
Baptism is a public confession and statement that we believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior and commit our lives to following him. Consider the illustration of a wedding ring …
If I’m not married, but I put a wedding ring on my finger, would that make me married? Of course not. In a similar way, I can be baptized in a church, but that doesn’t make me a true believer in Christ.
If I am married, but I do not wear a wedding ring, does this mean I am not married? No! Of course I am still married. In a similar way, I can be a believer in Christ, but not be baptized, and still be just as much a son or daughter of God.
But, if I am married, and I want the world around me to know that I am married, would I wear my wedding ring? Of course! In the same way, if I want everyone in the world around me to know that I believe in Jesus as Lord and commit my life to following him, I will show it in an outward way.
Baptism is a public statement that I believe in Jesus as Lord, and I’m committed to living my life for Him.
Baptism helps connects us to God’s family
Everyone who believes in Jesus as Lord and savior and follows him are called sons and daughters - children of God. We are his people here on earth.
Baptism is more than an individual act in our own, personal spiritual journey. In baptism, there a real sense of being joined to and connected with other believers as part of God’s family.
See 1 Corinthians 12:12-13